Twitter is the powerhouse social media platform of the current Web2.0 era new supportive applications are being launched every day.
These applications access your
Twitter account only by your permission and informed consent and provide a huge range of different benefits.
But why do it? What's are the benefits?
The advantages of linking an application to your
Twitter account are as varied as the number of apps themselves.
Let me list the top applications I use with my
Twitter account with a brief overview of what they do.
Click each app name below to visit the relevant application home page to learn more.
Twibes - lets you vote for your favorite tweeters, create groups, and manage your followers.
Scribd -
HOT is the largest social publishing company in the world — the website where more than 60 million people each month discover and share original writings and documents.
TwitWall - is an instant blogging companion for Twitter. TwitWall enables Twitter users to post full length blog entries with long text, videos, embedded widgets, audio, and images into their own walls.
Topsy -
HOT A search engine powered by tweets.
Twitalyzer 2.0 - The Internet's most sophisticated and powerful Twitter analysis application.
Twibbon - is the easiest way to promote awareness of your cause on twitter.
Google - Google/Twitter integration.
EzineArticles - Submit Your Best Quality Original Articles For Massive Exposure, Ezine Publishers Get 25 Free Article Reprints
LOL Quiz - Take fun quizzes!
FriendFeed - enables you to keep up-to-date on the web pages, photos, videos and music that your friends and family are sharing. It offers a unique way to discover and discuss information among friends
TwolloGroups -
HOT is a tool that allows you to easily create groups of users
Tweetmeme - is a service which aggregates all the popular links on Twitter to determine which links are popular.
MrTweet - Your Personal Networking Assistant
Grader - Free tools to measure your marketing effectiveness. Get your Twitter Grade
The Remote - A small widget for bloggers to see who's visiting their blog.
TwitterHit - helps people choose interesting people to follow by using the Twitter search timeline.
Disqus - is a service and tool for web comments and discussions.
Twitter Karma -
VERY HOT simplifies routine friend and follower management, offering different filters and sorting options for your entire account, all on one screen.
TwitterFeed - feed your blog to Twitter - lets you post any RSS or Atom feed to Twitter automatically
Twollo -
HOT Find and follow others with similar interests to you - automatically
Ecademy - Twitter status updates from within the business networking website
While this list is far from exhaustive it is a sample of the applications I choose to integrate with my
Twitter account.
Apart from linking through to the apps above you can also Google "Twitter applications" for an endless list.

Which Twitter Applications Should You Allow?